Results for 'Jorge Martínez Moreno'

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  1. Religión y ética en Aristóteles y Santo Tomás.Jorge Martínez Moreno - 1999 - Anuario Filosófico 32 (63):269-290.
    In Aristotle's system there is an important ambiguity between his religious positions or, if they could be so called, his religious ideas, and his theological thought. The first aspect makes room to popular beliefs and can be seen in some philosophically unimportant documents like his will, but also in some philosophically relevant writings like his Metaphysics and his treatise On The Heavens. The second aspect, his theological position, is in flagrant opposition to the first one. On the contrary, in Aquinas (...)
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  2. Gestión Tecnológica, Transferencia y Desarrollo Tecnológico en una economía de mercado.Elvira Anniccharico, Cynthia Martínez & Jorge Moreno - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (3):11-18.
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  3. Reduccionismo fisicalista en la filosofía de la mente contemporánea.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 2011 - Sapientia 67 (229):235-258.
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    "Ars imitatur natura" y la mejor forma de gobierno según Santo Tomás.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 1995 - Acta Philosophica 4 (2).
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  5. The Education of the Citizen: Aristotle and us.Jorge Martinez Barrera - 2001 - Yearbook of the Irish Philosophical Society:10-21.
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  6. El arte de gobernar. Nota sobre Michel Foucault a 20 años de su muerte.Jorge Martinez Barrera - 2005 - Sapientia 60 (217):227-236.
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    La recuperación política como ciencia práctica.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 1991 - Anuario Filosófico 24 (2):321-332.
    After having stressed the differences between the classical and the modern con-cept of political science, the paper exposes the two steps in the process of deterioration of political science: political Augustianism and the progressive reduction of politics to a technical knowledge. The author concludes maintai-ning the importance of the practical and not technical dimension of political knowledge for its rehabilitation.
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  8. El bien común político y la filosofía política actual.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 2006 - Filosofia Oggi 29 (113):13-28.
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  9. La filosofia como práxis: una reconsideración de Pierre Hadot.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
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  10. Michael Foucault y la biopolítica.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 2011 - Sapientia 67 (229):33-64.
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  11. El uso tomista de Ars imitatur naturam en el prologus del comentario a la politoca de aristoteles.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 1993 - Philosophia (Misc.) 1:97-114.
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    El Comentario de Santo Tomás a la Política de Aristóteles: un análisis desde el Prooemium.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 2006 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 51 (3):15-49.
    Os prólogos dos comentários de Tomás de Aquino às obras de Aristóteles são de suma importância, porque neles o autor apresenta o que se poderia denominar “o marco conceptual” do trabalho que está empreendendo. No caso do Comentário à Política, o conceito fundamental é o conceito de natureza. A afirmação de que existe uma “imitação da natureza” significa, para Tomás, muito mais do que representou para seus antecessores. PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Tomás de Aquino. Comentário. Política. Natureza. Imitação. ABSTRACT The prologs of (...)
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  13. Naturaleza y política en Aristóteles y Santo Tomás.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 1996 - Analogía Filosófica 10 (1):109-142.
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  14. Ambivalente Aristóteles: la distinta valoración de su filosofía en la formación del pensamiento político moderna.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 2008 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 40:197-207.
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  15. El evolucionismo materialista y la doctrina hilemórfica.Jorge MartÍnez Barrera - 1987 - Sapientia 42 (63):49.
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    Génesis teórica del Estado.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 2008 - Tópicos 16:129-152.
    The paper traces the origin of the term State, the evolution of its concept and its relation with Right in ancient and medieval philosophy, and focuses then on Machiavelli and the classics of Political Philosophy of modernity. Next it turns to study the emergence of the concept of sovereignty in Bodin and Hobbes, which, together with the corpuses of law, characterize modern State. The exposition ends with the introduction, starting from Locke, of the idea that the first source from which (...)
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  17. On topological spaces equivalent to ordinals.Jörg Flum & Juan Carlos Martinez - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (3):785-795.
    Let L be one of the topological languages L t , (L ∞ω ) t and (L κω ) t . We characterize the topological spaces which are models of the L-theory of the class of ordinals equipped with the order topology. The results show that the role played in classical model theory by the property of being well-ordered is taken over in the topological context by the property of being locally compact and scattered.
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    El "self" narrativo en busca de fundamento en la Filosofía contemporánea.Jorge Martínez Lucena - 2010 - Anuario Filosófico 43 (99):589-612.
    Los diferentes narrativismos que afirman la auto-constitución narrativa del self son acusados en ocasiones de círculo vicioso. Si un self es una historia que alguien podría contar, y ese self es autor de su propio relato, parece que entramos en un bucle irresoluble. Este artículo intenta evaluar diferentes respuestas a esta imputación que se dan dentro de los narrativismos contemporáneos basadas en la búsqueda de un fundamento de ese self narrativo externo al círculo vicioso.
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    Belonging and Social Integration as Factors of Well-Being in Latin America and Latin Europe Organizations.Silvia da Costa, Edurne Martínez-Moreno, Virginia Díaz, Daniel Hermosilla, Alberto Amutio, Sonia Padoan, Doris Méndez, Gabriela Etchebehere, Alejandro Torres, Saioa Telletxea & Silvia García-Mazzieri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundStudies and meta-analyses found individual, meso and micro-social factors that are associated with individual well-being, as well as a positive socio-emotional climate or collective well-being.AimThis article simultaneously studies and examines these factors of well-being.MethodWell-Being is measured as a dependent variable at the individual and collective level, as well as the predictors, in three cross-sectional and one longitudinal studies. Education and social intervention workers from Chile, Spain and Uruguay participate; a subsample of educators from the south central Chile and from Chile, (...)
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  20. El concepto tomista de naturaleza como propedéutica al estudio de la comunidad política.Jorge Martinez Barrera - 1990 - Philosophia:33.
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  21. La eticidad de la Política según Santo Tomás.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 1997 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 18:29-54.
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  22. La recuperación de la política como ciencia práctica y santo Tomás de Aquino.Jorge MartÍnez Barrera - 1993 - Aquinas 36 (1):93.
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    Nota sobre el agustinismo político.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 2002 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 47 (3):377-385.
    É célebre a tese de H.-X. Aquilliêre, afirmando que na Idade Média há uma passagem da noção político-filosófica romana de estado para uma noção teológica, que radicaliza algumas idéias agostinianas. Cabe perguntar o que há de consistente nessa tese.
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  24. Psicología de la libertadpolítica en Aristóteles.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 1997 - Analogía Filosófica 11 (1):167-186.
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  25. Sobre la genealogía y la función del derecho penal según Michel Foucault.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 2001 - Analogía Filosófica 15 (1):35-70.
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  26. Un episodio de iracundia en Tomás de Aquino: la polémica contra los averroístas de París.Jorge Martínez Barrera - forthcoming - Sapientia.
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    The Emergence of Ur-Intentionality: An Ecological Proposal.Manuel Heras-Escribano & Daniel Martínez Moreno - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):54.
    Radical enactivism supports radical embodied cognition (REC), which is the idea that basic or fundamental cognition (perception and action) does not need to be understood in representational, contentful terms. REC departs from the idea that the mind can be naturalized through biological functions, but rejects the idea that mental content, which is understood as having a representational nature, can be naturalized. For REC, the natural origins of content (or NOC) is a program based on the following hypothesis: first, we depart (...)
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    La Pandemia de la Covid-19 y Nuestros Imaginarios Del Estado.Jorge Martínez Lucena - 2021 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 20:147-181.
    El Estado ha sido imaginado desde antiguo. Cada sociedad tiende a imaginarlo desde las historias que se cuentan en ella, muchas de ellas basadas en la realidad y muchas otras puras ficciones. En este artículo intenta mostrar cómo ha variado la imagen del Estado-nación moderno en el Occidente globalizado desde finales del siglo XX hasta nuestros días, y, cómo ha podido transformar la pandemia de la COVID tales imaginarios. Además, intentamos los límites del Estado a la hora de tramar juntos (...)
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    “El Trabajo Libera”… ¿de Qué? Dos Reflexiones a Propósito de Bauman.Sara Martínez Mares & Juan Eduardo Santón Moreno - 2019 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 17:25-53.
    El objetivo principal es propiciar la reflexión acerca de las premisas sobre las que se asienta nuestra asimilada centralización del “trabajo” en nuestras vidas. El trabajo a menudo transcurre por encima de otros aspectos también significativos. La reflexión será guiada, entre otros, a través de la estimulante lectura de la obra de Bauman Trabajo, consumismo y nuevos pobres. Los ejes de reflexión son dos. En primer lugar, comparar históricamente la perspectiva sobre la concepción del trabajador industrial con la perspectiva sobre (...)
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    Presentación.Sara Martínez Mares & Juan Eduardo Santón Moreno - 2019 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 17:19-22.
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  31. Subjetivistas radicales Y hermenéutica en la escuela austríaca de economía1.Miguel Verstraete, Héctor J. Padrón, Jorge Martínez Barrera & Carlos I. Massini Correas - 1998 - Sapientia 53 (204):419.
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    (1 other version)One hundred years of neurosciences in the arts and humanities, a bibliometric review.Manuel Cebral-Loureda, Jorge Sanabria-Z., Mauricio A. Ramírez-Moreno & Irina Kaminsky-Castillo - 2023 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 18 (1):1-13.
    Background Neuroscientific approaches have historically triggered changes in the conception of creativity and artistic experience, which can be revealed by noting the intersection of these fields of study in terms of variables such as global trends, methodologies, objects of study, or application of new technologies; however, these neuroscientific approaches are still often considered as disciplines detached from the arts and humanities. In this light, the question arises as to what evidence the history of neurotechnologies provides at the intersection of creativity (...)
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    Team Emotional Intelligence: Emotional Processes as a Link Between Managers and Workers.Rosa Mindeguia, Aitor Aritzeta, Alaine Garmendia, Edurne Martinez-Moreno, Unai Elorza & Goretti Soroa - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research has shown that transformational leaders are able, through emotional contagion mechanisms, to transmit their emotions and boost positive feelings among their followers. Although research on leadership and team processes have shown a positive relation between transformational leadership and workers' well-being, there is a lack of studies examining the “black box” of this association. The present study aimed to assess the mediation effect of team emotional intelligence of the management team on the relationship between management's transformational behaviors and employees' responses. (...)
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    Attitudes of University Students Regarding Potential Conflicts in Socially Responsible Companies.Jesus Barrena-Martinez, Macarena Lopez-Fernandez, Cristina Marquez-Moreno & Pedro Miguel Romero-Fernandez - 2016 - Journal of Human Values 22 (2):125-138.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly viewed as a strategic management tool for companies to draw in candidates. In this arena, international responsible rankings such as ‘The Great Place to Work’, ‘Family Responsible Employer Index (FREE)’ or ‘The Best Companies for Working Mothers’ put emphasis on the value of responsible behaviours, not only for surviving in the market, but also to ‘win the war for talent’. Using a sample of Spanish University students, this research aims to analyse the process of (...)
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    On the Relationship Between White Matter Structure and Subjective Pain. Lessons From an Acute Surgical Pain Model.Laura Torrecillas-Martínez, Andrés Catena, Francisco O'Valle, César Solano-Galvis, Miguel Padial-Molina & Pablo Galindo-Moreno - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Background: Pain has been associated with structural changes of the brain. However, evidence regarding white matter changes in response to acute pain protocols is still scarce. In the present study, we assess the existence of differences in brain white matter related to pain intensity reported by patients undergoing surgical removal of a mandibular impacted third molar using diffusion tensor imaging analysis.Methods: 30 participants reported their subjective pain using a visual analog scale at three postsurgical stages: under anesthesia, in pain, and (...)
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    Psychopathological and neuropsychological disorders associated with chronic primary visceral pain: Systematic review.Alejandro Arévalo-Martínez, Juan Manuel Moreno-Manso, María Elena García-Baamonde, Macarena Blázquez-Alonso & Pilar Cantillo-Cordero - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The World Health Organization, in its last review of its International Classification of Diseases, established a new classification for chronic pain. Among the principal categories, of particular interest is chronic primary pain as a new type of diagnosis in those cases in which the etiology of the disease is not clear, being termed as chronic primary visceral pain when it is situated in the thorax, abdomen, or pelvis. Due to the novelty of the term, the objective of the systematic review (...)
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    Militantes entre el ser y el deber ser. Compromiso, género y familias en la juventud revolucionaria de los años 70 en España y Argentina.Bárbara Ortuño Martínez & Mónica Moreno Seco - 2020 - Arbor 196 (796):553.
    Desde una perspectiva transnacional y comparada, que incorpora la experiencia del exilio, este trabajo analiza las tensiones identitarias que afectaron a la juventud militante de la izquierda revolucionaria española y argentina durante los años setenta. A través de las relaciones familiares y de género, estudia las formas públicas y privadas del compromiso y la transgresión. Aborda cómo la politización de lo privado marcó a hombres y mujeres dentro de un proceso global contestatario, heredero del 68, para destacar las contradicciones que (...)
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    Proyectos formativos: una estrategia para promover el trabajo colaborativo en la educación superior.Jorge Eduardo Martínez Iñiguez, Eloísa Gallegos Santiago & Luis Fernando García Hernández - 2020 - Voces de la Educación 5 (10):32-44.
    The objective of the communication is to analyze the characteristics of the training projects and their relationship with the development of collaborative work in Higher Education Institutions. As a study methodology, a documentary investigation was carried out, through the review and obtaining of information in various bibliographical sources. The results indicate that training projects are a strategy aimed at training people who, in a collaborative way and with the support of new technologies, are able to mobilize their knowledge in solving (...)
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  39. ""Un debate internacional. La" gobernanza" de Internet.Jorge Pérez Martínez & Ana Olmos Sanz - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 74:34-47.
  40. El Derecho Natural antiguo y medieval.Jorge Manuel Ayala Martínez - 2003 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 10:377-386.
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  41. Knowing Through Hearing, Towards an Epistemology of Auditory Perception.Jorge Luis Méndez-Martínez - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (2):168-182.
    This paper proposes some guidelines for the undeveloped discussion of auditory epistemology. Auditory epistemology is an approach concerned with the perceptual basis for knowledge and belief, specifically around audition. The article pursues two goals. Firstly, it claims that addressing auditory perception from the viewpoint of epistemology is more fruitful than the discussion on phenomenology which has thus far dominated the debates in the literature on sound. Secondly, it elaborates a concrete proposal pertaining to the cooperation of sense-modalities. In so doing, (...)
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    Suicidal Ideation, Psychological Distress and Child-To-Parent Violence: A Gender Analysis.Belén Martínez-Ferrer, Ana Romero-Abrio, Celeste León-Moreno, María Elena Villarreal-González & Daniel Musitu-Ferrer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Child-to-parent violence is a growing public health problem with consequences for perpetrators and families. Most research has focused on individual and family risk factors. However, little is known about its links with individual outcomes. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships between CPV and psychological distress, suicidal ideation, and self-concept in school-aged adolescents, taking into account the gender perspective. A study was conducted with a sample of 8,115 adolescents, aged between 11 and 16 years from the State (...)
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  43. La cognición auditiva. Especificidad modal y perplejidad semántico-definicional.Jorge Luis Méndez-Martínez - 2024 - Andamios 21 (54):27-56.
    Philosophical discussions on cognition (ranging from computational and representational approaches to the 4E fra-mework), on the one hand, and those on sound and auditory per-ception, on the other, have hitherto remained apart. In this paper, the author addresses the concept of “auditory cognition”. While committing to the conceptual analysis of the latter, the author in-troduces the discussion of modality-specif ic approaches. Since the contributions made so far in the domain of the philosophy of sound and auditory perception are prone to (...)
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    (9 other versions)Presentación.Jorge M. Ayala Martínez - 2004 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 11:7.
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  45. Francisco de Quevedo: Genio verbal y pensador de la vida.Jorge Manuel Ayala Martínez - 1981 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 8:137-148.
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  46. El atardecer y el amanecer de Gen 1,5 según Filón de Alejandría.José Luis Moreno Martínez - 1983 - Salmanticensis 30 (2):231-239.
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    El derecho natural antiguo y medieval.Jorge M. Ayala Martínez - 2003 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 10:377.
    Natural Law is considered by many jurists an ambiguous concept. In this article we offer a concise history of ancient and mediaeval Natural Law as well as how it is present in the modern Bills of Human Rights. In the Natural Law it is convenient to distinguish what is caducous from that still valid.
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    Changes in the topology of DNA replication intermediates: Important discrepancies between in vitro and in vivo.Jorge B. Schvartzman, Víctor Martínez, Pablo Hernández, Dora B. Krimer & María-José Fernández-Nestosa - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (5):2000309.
    The topology of DNA duplexes changes during replication and also after deproteinization in vitro. Here we describe these changes and then discuss for the first time how the distribution of superhelical stress affects the DNA topology of replication intermediates, taking into account the progression of replication forks. The high processivity of Topo IV to relax the left‐handed (+) supercoiling that transiently accumulates ahead of the forks is not essential, since DNA gyrase and swiveling of the forks cooperate with Topo IV (...)
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  49. Ciencia política, un balance fin de siglo.Jorge Riezu Martínez - 2000 - Estudios Filosóficos 49 (142):541-548.
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  50. La subjetividad insuperada.Jorge Riezu Martínez - 2008 - Estudios Filosóficos 57 (164):125-143.
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